Hersteller von Natriumlaurylsulfoacetat SLSA in China

Natriumlaurylsulfoacetat SLSA Keine Tierversuchserklärung

» Tags » Sodium Lauryl Sulfoacetate SLSA No animal testing declaration

Natriumlaurylsulfoacetat (SLSA)

Natriumlaurylsulfoacetat SLSA Keine Tierversuchserklärung

Sodium Lauryl Sulfoacetate SLSA No Animal Testing Declaration Hubei Tanmu Biotech Co. Ltd erklärt: In Natriumlaurylsulfoacetat (SLSA) ,we do not handle any material coming from animal sources. The product does not come in contact with any animal-derived material during the manufacturing process, was die Verarbeitung einschließt, Handhabung, und Verpackung. This certification applies only to the condition of the above-described product

  • Dokumenten-Download

    Natriumlaurylsulfoacetat SLSa TDS

    Natriumcocoylisethionat SCI COA

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    Natriumlaurylsulfoacetat SLSa Preis

    Natriumcocoylisethionat SCI-Preis

  • Kontakt

    [email protected]
    Tel:(86) 027-87050107